Can generic Viagra be taken together with alpha blockers? This question is often asked by many people who want to solve their erectile issues. Unfortunately, there are many patients who are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, or male impotence. If they are older than 40, their overall health is not as good as they want, and the main reason is that such men often experience specific cardiovascular issues, heart disorders and blood pressure complications that should be treated too.
All of these medical conditions keep worsening, especially if men have harmful habits, including smoking, drinking and leading a sedentary lifestyle. That’s why their erectile problems are often complicated with a range of health disorders that require effective treatment options, such as prescribed medications and alpha blockers, so it’s no wonder most men ask similar questions. What do they need to treat first: their blood pressure or erectile dysfunction? What should they take first: Viagra or prescribed medications, including alpha blockers? Is it safe to combine these drugs? To give correct answers, you should get more information about Viagra, alpha blockers and their possible drug interactions.
How Alpha Blockers and Generic Viagra Work
You should know that generic Viagra works by influencing and improving the natural mechanisms of erections because its intake relaxes the muscles of cavernous bodies and increases the blood flow into penile areas. This medication is quite effective in many ED cases related to different problems with blood vessels, but it doesn’t work with the same level of effectiveness in other cases.
How do alpha blockers function? They are effective alpha-adrenergic blocking agents that are developed to treat different medical states related to high blood pressure. It’s interesting that these medications are also commonly used in urology when treating specific prostate disorders. There are many alpha blockers that you can find in the modern market, but the most popular ones include Cardura, Hytrin, Flomax, UroXatral, Minipress and others. Basically, they all work by relaxing veins and arteries, so that the blood starts passing easier through them. These meds also relax muscles in the bladder neck and prostate, thus, helping many male patients ease their process of urination. As you can see, both groups of drugs have similar medical actions and impacts on blood vessels.
Why Alpha Blockers Are Included in the Risk Group
If you want to understand whether it’s safe to combine the intake of generic Viagra and alpha blockers, there are a few other important facts that should be considered. Both medications work by relaxing muscles and making blood vessels wider, and this means that they can cause a sharp and sudden drop in your blood pressure. Many men are already aware that all kinds of hypotensive states are quite risky, may cause a lot of harm and are more difficult to treat compared to specific hypertensive conditions.
That’s why it’s always necessary to inform your physician about the medications that you take on a regular basis, especially if they include alpha blockers and similar drugs. All healthcare providers insist that people should be stable on their treatments that involve alpha blockers before they start using generic Viagra. Their starting dosage of sildenafil citrate shouldn’t be higher than 25 mg on a daily basis. In addition, if some male patients are already taking Viagra and need to start their alpha blocker treatment, they should start with the smallest dosage possible to avoid unwanted side effects and drug interactions.
Before making an important decision to increase their regular dose of generic Viagra or alpha blockers, doctors should consider many individualized factors, including their lifestyle habits, other medications, general health condition and others because they all can have an impact on the effects of a combined intake of these meds. It’s clear that alpha blockers and Viagra work in people’s bodies in similar ways and have their hypotensive effects that may lead to problems with blood pressure and vessels.